Tuesday, April 17, 2007

An Introduction

I started baking pretty much as soon as I could walk. I've always been a kitchen hog. I have this picture of myself at age two passed out on the kitchen floor in my footie pajamas with my pillow, because that's where I liked to sleep! It was warm and comforting. Who needs a blanket when you have a warm kitchen! That's my personal philosophy.
I've just finished the second day of my second week culinary school, specializing in baking and pastry. This was, by no means, a shocking life adjustment to my family and friends. I've always been the one to make dinner for 12 people, bake bread for anyone who runs out, or make cookies because...hey! there are always cookies to be made. Thus, I've found nothing but support as I brave the student loan applications once more in pursuit of a dream.
This blog has been set up to act as a sort of record of my trek through school. My goal is to write every week day on the trials and wonders of a pastry chef in training (I hope). If nothing else, I can add it in my portfolio, but I also hope some of you will get some entertainment and recipes out of it. :)

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